Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fasting - not like the "good old days"

Well, I did it...sort of.
I decided to go on an electronics fast. Most people I mentioned this to looked at me like I was some kind of nut. Perhaps I am, but I just got to feeling like I depend way too much on our electronic age to keep myself "busy". I found myself constantly checking my email and Facebook accounts, playing computer games and of course watching DVD's (we do not have tv at all). So I decided my best choice to break myself of these habits would be to go on an electronics fast. Originally I wanted to stay away from my phone too, except in the case of an emergency, but my husband decided for me that it wouldn't be in my best interest; or anyone else's, to do so.
So I started my fast on a Sunday. When I get an idea in my head, I have all kinds of great plans to back it up. I figured out just what I wanted to do with all this time I was saving by not using electronics. All started out very well. It wasn't hard finding things to keep myself busy, though I did find it very hard not to go sit at the computer; what a habit that had become! I had to laugh at myself at how many times I had to stop myself from plopping down at the computer to do some little meaningless thing. It really took a lot of will power and rethinking to get myself away from it. After a few days, I did conquer the urge, however...Victory!!!
One part of the fast was not so victorious, though. I only lasted 3 days on the DVD part of the fast. It was a lesson well learned, though. What I found out is that I am not yet well enough to do without my DVD time. There are still times and days when I just don't have the energy to do anything, at all, and watching DVD's is a refuge for me. Though it makes me a little sad, I am thankful for the lesson, because I believe I learned an even bigger lesson than that. Through all this illness stuff I, ever the optimist, kept thinking "Ok, I am now well enough to be back to my old self". The fact is, that though I have gotten better a little at a time, it will still take a lot of little steps to regain my full health. I also have to consider that it has been years since this all began, and so need to figure aging and how hard this all has been on my I may never get back to where I was health wise. Or perhaps, because I have discovered so many allergens along the way, I will feel even better than ever for having removed them from my diet.
As far as the rest of the fast, I believe I have broken my habit of using the computer to fill in time I could be doing something more constructive. And though I intend to keep in touch with people, I believe I will not allow myself to get back to the point I was at. And as I continue to regain my health, I intend to try again and again until I am successful at the full fast, and keeping my electronics addiction to a minimum.