Monday, December 21, 2009


Hello to all who are willing to listen to me. I just thought I'd join the masses and create a spot I can sound off or just get my thoughts out of my head so I can think of other things.

During this wonderful Christmas season I have a bone to pick. Seems to me there are many more people who would wish you a Merry Christmas than a happy holiday. And I've also noticed that the people I know who don't celebrate Christmas don't mind at all if I tell them "Merry Christmas". I've not come across one singe person who is offended by the saying. So what is going on with that? Are we listening to the 'squeaky wheel' too much? I truly believe the ones who do get offended (and I'm not talking about those who don't celebrate or believe in Christmas, but those who are offended by the saying) are in a very small minority. Are we, as a culture, so wrapped up in being politically correct that we jump on the bandwagon as soon as some one shouts "foul"? And what about freedom of speech? Is it no longer a part of speech to say Merry Christmas? I fear the direction this country is heading if it is no longer acceptable to greet those we know and those we meet with a simple traditional saying. It may mean more to us than to them, but does that make it taboo? Ooo did I goof using a non Christian saying?

I for one am happy to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with all my heart. And if any who reads this does not know the meaning of the words, or the holiday we celebrate, I am more than happy to discuss it with you