Thursday, December 31, 2009


I have been mulling this one over for a while now, as I have most or all of the posts that will end up here, but I wanted to get this one out because our pastor just mentioned he'd be preaching on prayer this Sunday and I wanted to get what I've been thinking down before he further influences my interesting to see any change of perspective.

I've been praying and praying lately to not have to work, to be able to stay home and just focus on what needs to be done here. It frustrates me to no end to look around my home and see what a mess it is and not have the energy to do anything about it. I also would love to be able to give more attention to my husband and daughters, but again, after working I just don't have the energy. So I've plotted, planned and prayed for finances to make it possible to just be home. So far it hasn't worked out that way, and I don't see it happening anywhere in the near future.

With the realization that I would need to continue to work if we want food, electricity etc to continue, I began to rethink what I was asking. When I am not ill, I am a high energy type person, I like to be busy, I like to be moving, going. Since I am working with a doctor to get better, the assumption is that, eventually, I will be back to that high energy person. With that in mind, I figure I would probably go crazy without a part time job of some sort. The biggest idea I realized is that it isn't normal for me to be so tired all the time, to not have the energy to do just didn't occur to me that once I get my energy back, I'll be able to work AND do things around the house without it being a big deal. I was watching a show the other day and one of the main characters walked in the door at home after work and went straight to cooking dinner for the family. My thought was, "people don't really do that, they have to rest a bit first". A few days later, Brian came home from work, went to the kitchen and started making dinner! What a revelation! It made me realize two things: 1) my energy has been low for a very long time...long enough to make me forget what it is like to make it through the day 2)I CAN work and pay attention to my home and family...just need to give it more time and be patient.

My prayers have changed since that! Now I pray to enjoy my job, and to be able to build my energy so I can do more at home. This brings me to the true "thoughts" for this post and that is prayer. I hear so often how prayers aren't answered, or it feels like they are bouncing off the ceiling or that God's presence can't be felt. My question to that is "WHO'S FAULT IS THAT?"

As for prayers not being answered, how quickly we forget that God does not have to say yes. Anyone who is a parent, sibling, friend knows that you have a choice when asked a favor, "yes" or....."no"! Why does God not have the same options? If His answer is "no", does that mean He has not answered? Should we always get what we ask for?

Personally, I've never felt like my prayers were "bouncing off the ceiling". I'm more the "do what I'm asking you!" type than the "why won't you listen?" type when I am struggling with God. Again, I feel it is up to us. God is here, with us "I will never leave you or forsake you". God's word is true and right, so there is no mistaking that He is ALWAYS with us. If we can't hear him, if we can't feel His presence, perhaps we should look at why we have distanced ourselves from Him rather than wonder why He has left us.

I've had my say, grace and peace to all who stop and listen :)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Toilet Seat Covers

So a few years ago some bigwigs in the department of health, or one of those agencies that is there for our own good and safety, decided that toilet seat covers didn't really provide any kind of protection and were not necessary. Since then many public places have stopped providing toilet seat covers in their restrooms. I have a problem with that.

Now I'm not saying they are wrong about contracting some of the more serious diseases, I'm sure they've researched it thoroughly and found that you won't contact any STD's from a toilet seat. But I for sure do NOT want to sit on a toilet on which any number of other people have sat. People, who may be very nice people, are not necessarily clean people. Have you ever been on a long car ride on a hot get all sweaty.... everywhere. You just never know who has been on that toilet seat before you, how many somebodies, or where they've been, what they've done....

I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression; I am not a germaphobe. In fact it might just disgust some people to know my hygiene habits (I RARELY use hand sanitizer). But think about this, have you ever looked at your phone after you've had it up to your face during a conversation? It has face oils on it. Now, the face is one of the more oily parts of our body, but our entire body secretes some amounts of oil....our entire body. So when you touch something, you leave behind a little bit of oil from whatever ANY of your skin contacts. If you have really dry skin, you are sloughing of flakes from all parts. I don't even want to get into the bodily fluid possibilities.

All that to say that as for me, I will not sit on a public toilet without some sort of cover over the seat. Say what you may, I don't want to be sharing that with anyone I don't know REAL well


Monday, December 21, 2009


Hello to all who are willing to listen to me. I just thought I'd join the masses and create a spot I can sound off or just get my thoughts out of my head so I can think of other things.

During this wonderful Christmas season I have a bone to pick. Seems to me there are many more people who would wish you a Merry Christmas than a happy holiday. And I've also noticed that the people I know who don't celebrate Christmas don't mind at all if I tell them "Merry Christmas". I've not come across one singe person who is offended by the saying. So what is going on with that? Are we listening to the 'squeaky wheel' too much? I truly believe the ones who do get offended (and I'm not talking about those who don't celebrate or believe in Christmas, but those who are offended by the saying) are in a very small minority. Are we, as a culture, so wrapped up in being politically correct that we jump on the bandwagon as soon as some one shouts "foul"? And what about freedom of speech? Is it no longer a part of speech to say Merry Christmas? I fear the direction this country is heading if it is no longer acceptable to greet those we know and those we meet with a simple traditional saying. It may mean more to us than to them, but does that make it taboo? Ooo did I goof using a non Christian saying?

I for one am happy to wish you all a very Merry Christmas with all my heart. And if any who reads this does not know the meaning of the words, or the holiday we celebrate, I am more than happy to discuss it with you